Extra work

Sunday, August 27, 2023 at 2:13 PM

Summary :

In March, I started working on a code base called "rdv".

Later, I started working on another project.

A few weeks ago, I resumed work on another code base called "testrdv".

I've been working on this code base until I noticed Thursday that I was working on an older version of the code (before March).

This means that the changes I made in March on "rdv" were not transferred to "testrdv" when I resumed work a few weeks ago.

I spent 2 1/2 hours Friday manually merging the code (taking the changes made in "rdv" and "testrdv" and copying them into the same file) by using the "Compare" plugin for Notepad++.

I had two files in Notepad++ on my rectangular screen and Dreamweaver on my square screen.

I was working very slowly and carefully.

I may have added a few bugs in the process.

I will be retesting everything Monday.


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