Sunday, July 21, 2024 at 9:49 AM
Yesterday, me and my dad fished a new Cat6e cable to replace the old Cat5e that we were having trouble with. Previously, we tried multiple times to repair the old cable by adding keystone jacks and little patch cables. We were trying to avoid having to crawl over the soffit. The whole cable tested ok with my cable tester, but it could not hold a gigabit connection. The light would be green, but would turn orange after some time. (meaning the speed was lowered to 100 Mb/s) So yesterday, I thought "fuck it" and took the time to crawl over the soffit. (pictured below) It only took me five minutes to go from my bedroom at one end of the house to my dad's bedroom at the other end and then back. It took us three hours to do the rest of the job. It was totally worth it :) We finally have a good cable (and the light stays green). The cable is 82 feet long.